Technological Leap

The Soviet Union put the first satellite in space, the US put the first man on the moon, exploded the first atomic bomb, and built the Internet. Scotland cloned the first animal, Japan made the first reliable, affording cars. There are probably a hundred examples. There are major technological advances about every 5 years that an entire country seems to embrace. It is my prediction that China will be credited for one of the next three advances. Here are some predictions of what they will be...
1) Man lands on another planet.
2) Mass produced alternate fuel engine.
3) Cloned human
4) Cure/Vaccine for HIV
5) World's largest building
6) Space-based laser weapon system (alla Real Genius)

Americans are great inventors because we are motivated by greed, but the Chinese are motivated by nationalism. Both are relentless in their power to succeed at all costs. What do you think the great technological leaps of the next 10 years will be (scanning your brain into a computer and living in a virtual universe, it at least 11 years away). What countries will be behind such leaps? If you guess an obscure invention in correct year and the country who does it, you win a prize


Glen Lipka said…
Wimax. You basically put up one tower and get a 30 mile radius of connectivity. The speeds are going to be in the tens to hundreds of megabits per second. Eventually faster. This means cheap internet access for an entire city with no wiring. At these speeds, we will eliminate all telephone poles, and cable. All communication can travel wirelessly. Cell phones will be video conferencing cable.

This is a giant shakeup in the television, cable, phone, satellite, DSL, entertainment, communications industry. It will be led by the Dutch.

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