
I have no idea how it happened, but Howard Dean is going to be the new head honcho for the Democratic Party. I think this is great news. I really liked Howard’s policies and passion; however, after scream-gate he didn’t respond well at all. If he would have said “No, I didn’t over-react, I was screaming because those people, who worked so hard, needed to know that they are not alone. Regular people are passionate and care about this country and so do I. And if I have to yell to inspire some people or get some attention for good policy, than that’s what I will do. I don’t walk softly, but I carry a big stick, and the republicans better watch out! Arrrrrrr!”, but instead he listened to pollsters and lifetime politicians and tried to clean himself up and act all proper. If the Howard Dean that provided universal healthcare to an entire state (even if it was small), and was against a war he believed was unjustified, is going to run the DNC, than I think my biggest worry won’t come to fruition (that being the democrats decide that they need to be more like republicans; more faith-based, more hawkish, and more image oriented).

I wish Dean the best of luck and I hope Washington doesn’t destroy his.

And for fun, Make your own Howard Dean 'Meltdown' remix here.

Off the subject, if Hillary Clinton does not run for President in 2008, Bill Clinton will be the first American to become UN Secretary General. The United States funds 22 percent of the UN regular budget, as well as more than 27 percent of the peacekeeping budget and yet an American has never been Secretary General.


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