Book Review - Angels and Demons

I finished Dan Brown’s Angels and Demons the other day. I had high expectations and the book started off ok, but in the end, it was a disaster. I couldn’t wait till it was over. The basic idea of the book is that an ancient anti-church, pro-science cult stole anti-matter (which can blow up a city. Uggg, don’t ask) and put it somewhere in Vatican City. This sounds similar to some Bruce Willis action movie and the plots twists at the end were just silly. The book was neither informative nor interesting. Unlike The DaVinci Code, in which the plot was used to further the research, this book used random scientific words to try to make the plot more compelling. The book made way too many assumptions (based on nothing but conjecture) and took real scientific theory and mashed it to bits. I was surprised that the Church was not the bad guy in the book, but neither was science. I will give credit for the writing style which draws the reader in. However, it is the exact same style as the DaVinci Code and I read the prologue to another previous book and it has the exact the same plot and style as well. In the end, I don’t recommend this book to anyone. It might make a decent action movie, but that’s it.

In other related news, a Gallup poll showed that 45% if Americans believe God created humans in their present form within the last 10,000 years.


Anonymous said…
I'm about 3/4 of the way through A&D and am feeling the same. Nowhere near as good as the DaVinci code. I don't know - it just feels like I've been here before. Familiarity is indeed a fickle mistress!!!

Anonymous said…
In a sensational twist I see that tonight Pope John Paul has been taken to hospital suffering from influenza. Do I smell "Illuminati" in our midst.........


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