"Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment." - John 7:24

They say that Harriet E. Miers (Bush’s most recent appointment for the Supreme Court) is an unknown; that since she has never been a judge, her views on almost every judicial topic could go either way. However, I don’t believe this is the case. Just like President Bush, Ms. Miers has proclaimed a set values to be more important then the law, personal instincts, modern thought, or science. She is an evangelical Christian. She is pro-life, she is anti-gay rights, she is anti-government regulations. Her faith (if she is like the majority of evangelicals) dominates her thought and she is proud of this. Like President Bush, she has no interest in progress, actually they would both like to see a moral and social regression to a time when religion was the direct authority in society. That is why they believe in a strict interpretation of the Constitution, because they would prefer that the country was like what it was in 1789. So until Ms. Miers declares that her guiding principal is the upward progress of all Americans (and not the bible), we know exactly where she stands. Of course, it won’t matter, she will be approved by the Senate. I believe that the vote will be split exactly according to party lines. It’s is just depressing that an (objectively) unqualified person can become one of the most powerful people in the country simply because she grew up in the right state and was born-again at the right time. If any one person, or any group was to choose a Supreme Court Justice, except for George Bush, who was have chosen Ms. Miers? Not me.

Then again, Judge Roberts was sworn in the Court with his hand, not on the Constitution or a book of laws, but on the bible. What would a Muslim appointee do? What would I do?


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